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Ore tailings recycling equipment - cone crusher

Posted: 2016 08 18 Source: Kefid Shanghai Machinery Views: 689

Tailings is one of the products in beneficiation,the lowest part of useful component content is called tailings. In many industries, it is waste which is needed urgently to deal with, but in other industries, it is the potential treasure. Currently, the main task in the field of mine tailings is to recycle a large number of long-term waste tailings The tailings disposal facilities was undoubtedly the primary stone crusher.
For this reason,Kefid developed mainly for hard mineral, such as iron ore, gold ore, tailings beneficiation crushing and processing equipment - cone crusher. It adopts the unique laminated crushing principle so that the finished product cube was significantly improved, flakiness particles reduced with a more reasonable level to achieve the object of the tailings recycling.
If you want to know more about tailings disposal and cone crusher,please contact our 24hour online service.

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